Friday 13 September 2024

做一个原木小桌 (live edge table)


心里一直想着有机会做一个live edge 的书桌,年初去wood source买地下室装修材料时,正好看到有北美黑胡桃木原木板,根据需要的大小,买回一块,然后再整型,填充,打磨上油,做腿安装. 
大约耗时一个多月完成, 在做的过程中做过一些调研,现在得以在这个小桌子上敲这篇博文

原木桌子种类  -- river table vs live edge table

原木桌通常以两种形式出现, 一种是river table, 使用了大量的树酯,看着像河流的样子,第二种基本用原木材料,少量的树酯做填充和粘接.    两者实质上都是解决拼板的问题, river table 虽然更容易塑型,实际调研中发现,艺术成功的案例不多,DIY中几乎都是翻车现场.树酯成本也过高.


木料种类 -- olive,  spalted maple, walnut,burl maple

  虽然任何原木可以做这类live edge table.调研中发现那些非常有纹理特色的材料会让过目不忘,下一个小桌子我希望从提到的材质中选原木板.

原木桌腿  -- 铁腿 vs 自制木腿

       有些很好金属腿可以订购,但高质量的价格也比较高(USD500), 如果可以做木工,可以用木头做一个,一方面解决了成本问题,一方面也解决根据不对称原木板大小的定制问题

Bow bie 原木桌的应用

解决连接的一方法是用bow tie(蝴蝶节).会大大增强手工艺术感,应该在掌握使用

大师 George Nakashima (中島勝寿)

George Nakashima 是做这类家具有影响的大师,翻翻有关网站会不会有些启发.

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Selling for Joy

Those parts for sell  is for a friend who has upgraded her bikes and has no interest to collect parts to build bike by herself. Hence here is fora a quick sell at attractive price.
There are mainly 10 speed bits including red bar end shifters, red/force derailleurs, rotor/force crank set.  There are lightly used, while in excellent condition.


Sram red TT mini group: ($150)                    
Sram red 10spd Barend shifters                            -- $70
Sram red 10(/11)spd rear derailleur (slight scuffed)    -- $70
Sram red 10(/11)spd front derailleur                            -- $40

it taken from cervelo P5. The Bar end shifters can be sold as individually first or sell as group.

Sram force 170mm 52/39 GXP crankset                -- $70


Sram force 10spd front derailleur                         -- $20


Sram force 10spd rear derailleur short cage        -- $40

Sram force 10spd rear derailleur mid cage          --$40

Rotor 3D+ 167.5  mid-compact cranks                           --$150 $200
   ( 167.5  51/36 chainring include BSA30 bottom bracket)


Thursday 10 November 2016

Ride Patterns

   ----illustrated by heart rate monitoring

Riding heart rate(HR)indicates the intensity and effort of the action. 

During the ride when you feel slightly sweating and faster breathe while still with easy chatting, you are probably in HR Zone 2/3 (defined in [1]); while hard effort with fast and deep breathe can only last says, 20 minutes or so, you are mostly like entry the heart rate Zone 4;  whereas when you are pushing your limit to burst you energy as hard as you can, you are surely in Zone 5 or above.

Some sportive cyclists including myself's ride patterns usually focus on an easy endurance ride, sportive group ride, and high-intensity training ride. Those ride patterns can be perfectly illustrated by heart rate monitoring.

Easy endurance ride

Endurance ride or base training is the name given to the training that teaches your body to utilize oxygen as efficiently as possible, usually, it need very long and slow[2], it's the art of ride slow.[3]
The following chart was my more than two hours rode with friends, easy pace at speed 24 kph and my HR about 140 bpm. seems slightly lower the heart rate and more efficient the better purpose served. and when the duration prolongs, it might be not easy anymore, and that's the capability need build on this ride pattern.

Anyways, it can be a pleasant recreational ride, go to the city and country, stop at a town, smell the roses. 

Sportif group touring ride
with the solid base, it's quite interesting to ride with a sportive group. Essentially cycling is "a group sport for individual".(from movie. <slaying the badger>)

Although the cruising speed roughly same,in the following 130k sportif group ride instance, the HR distribution varies in different time and location.  With average speed 32kph and average HR below 150, which still in zone 3 range. But in the 50k-60k location, the HR went up to 170-180, It because during such time was riding in front and pulling the group keeping the decent speed. pulling in front in turns is the key to a long and fast ride with group riders.

More interesting,from 80k to 100k location,the group ride became race, with breakaway and chase, the HR here was between 170 - 190  which is actually jump into Zone 4 and Zone 5. this section was on 5th line I attacked on the slight upslope and the rest group responded immediately, I did a solo breakaway for 3 or 4 kilometres before absorbed by first chase group at the end. It is great fun occasionally happens in the last part of the sportive group ride and it's a great way make we stronger .

The sportive group touring , with comrades, we cooperate and compete.  

high intensity climbing ride

Gatineau park 42 k classic loop is conditional training yard for Ottawa cyclists. There is close road UCI race ride on Tuesday evening, famous Bike and Beer club intensive climbing training ride (A/B group) on Wednesday evening and many others.   

It's the best effort group ride that the fastest rider defines pace, the choice is only leading the pace, or best effort follows the pace, or dropped but worked with others to chase back or just do as hard as you can to solo ride back.

The chart is an instance of my such ride, only slightly more than 5 minutes warm up. Heard rate has been sustaining 170 - 180 (zone 4 to zone 5)for one hour. also need carefully preserve not go beyond Zone 5 ( > 190 my this case), would be got dropped in recovery phase otherwise.   B&B B group usually finish loop at speed 32-34kph.   A group at 34-36 kph, UCI race group 36-40 kph. World-famous professional racers Mike woods, Matteo Dal-cin participate on Tuesday UCI race ride. 

And most Ottawa racers regularly ride here with this way, weeks after weeks, years after years.

It can be clearly seen the fact -- the only way make you stronger is just to work harder.

However, sometimes I just think, riding is not just a training for the physical and mantel strongness,  It also gives me the wings, like an eagle, with which, I fly far and high, for distance and freedom.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

A case study of a winter training day

Case introduction

Have done a cycling training guided by Swift winter training plan on Sunday.

The plan on that day aims to smooth cadence paddling with high power burst interval with endurance pace(less than Zone 3). the outcome of the traning can be monitored by the heart rate, cadence and power data. (and speed data is not importance in the case)

The training started in the morning, however, the high power burst interval part is considered failure because Zwift thinks maxium power didn't reach based on history record. Hence after some research and refers to some elite athlete data profile, performed another same plan redo training in afternoon. the afternoon's data indicates the result is quite satisfied.  Two data comparing is quite interesting.(as in the picture, click to enlarge)

Two chart analysis

  Two same purpose efforts, the outcome is dramatic.

                                    morning                         afternoon (redo)
Max power(Watt):       478                                598
Ave Power(Watt):       152                                162
Heart Rate(BPM):       151                                146
Cadence(RPM):          101                                106

--- afternoon's effort successfully reached the Maximum power burst, (598 watt from previous 478 watt) , with improved approach. it requires 1) standing pedaling to reach maximum strength, 2) fast cadence(> 135 PRM) to leverage consistent power transferring, 3) corrected gear ratio to make fact 1) and fact 2) efficiently happen.

--- afternoon's effort gained the 10 Watt HIGHER power with 5 beats LOWER heart Rate, meaning, less physic energy consuming results higher output power. Efficiency works here!  Afternoon's chart indicates much smoother cadence, although higher cadence is not the main fact, in this case.


Improved cycling approach results in more efficience, which potentially improves the maximum output power(says FTP),hence the performance. This is the original purpose of cycling method, such as  body position, peddling style, comes from. And it's one purpose the the winter training plan as well.


Friday 13 June 2014

Veni, vidi, vici --- RLCT (Rideau Lake Cycling Tour) 2014

渥太华的Rideau Lake自行车旅行两天往返金斯顿,每天170 多公里,每年春举办一次。今年我们组队参加。其中三人参加了多次,四人第一次参加。六月七日清晨早早的来到了出发地--Algonquin college的校园等候出发。




40公里到达 Ashton 算是热了身, 之后我们加快速度,一路飞奔起来,马文和本自告奋勇在前领骑,他们西人的宽体型,象两只大鸟在前面把风堵得滴水不漏,我们跟在后面轻松自如,只是在他们累了后替换少许,休息好了又飞到了前面领骑。我们在后面一边聊着天,一边超着同行的车队,同时畅想着到达后的清凉啤酒,感觉这一,两百公里的路程是闲庭信步了。


在一阵清风般加速中,杰克掉队了几米远,如同从泰坦尼克号上落水,杰克虽然奋力挣扎,似乎永远只差一口气跟上。杰克本是愈骑愈勇型选手,本想着只需拉一把,就不成问题。于是我也脱队和杰克靠接, 希望把他拉上来,但奇怪的是今天杰克差了两口气, 一加速就脱节,来回折腾几次后我们竟然越落越远, 看着前面的队伍,很欢乐的跟着那两只大鸟,全然没有察觉有人掉队了。


等着等着,发现几十公里沿路超过的车,全又赶了回来,不免着急,又往回找杰克,骑回老远找到时发现俩警察帮他折腾车,才揭开所有谜底---原来中途后轮幅条断了一根,导致刹车抱住了车轮而骑不动, 而前段杰克竟然不知状况,只顾顽强地与之搏斗。简单处理后一起继续骑行。我们一路车轮滚滚,唯有杰克的后轮晃晃悠悠。





再次聚合时已是目的地Kingston, 见到的杰克还是活蹦亂跳的,据说孙扬后半程有些失去动力,还是杰克顺带把孙扬带回。





第二天清早踏上回程。不同来时的 classic route, 回去时走没有支持服务的touring route.




扎胎了? 就换!

2014 RLCT,  我们曾到达,我们曾游历,用我们不变的步伐。
